Mitsuoka's Mesmerizing Yet Mystifying Mustang
TOKYO — Mitsuoka is known best as a tuner of a variety of Nissan-based vehicles, which from a great distance and with a lot of imagination could be viewed as Jaguar look-alikes. Now the tuner's attention has turned to a rather different kind of donor: the Ford Mustang.Underneath this bizarre-looking convertible — which puts one in mind of a 1960s-era Rolls-Royce in front and a 1980s Cadillac at the rear — lurks a bog-standard Ford Mustang. One look at the interior gives the game away, but it seems the Japanese master body builder has raised the level of kitsch several notches.
A top-spec Galue convertible is priced at the equivalent of $64,500. Mitsuoka is certified as a car manufacturer, so the price is for a turnkey model, ready to be driven.
© Source: article on insideline
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