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Lada C-Class Concept Coupe

GENEVA — Hot on the heels of a new deal with Canadian supplier and engineering giant Magna, Russian company AvtoVAZ, manufacturer of Lada cars, showed a compact hatch at the Geneva auto show. Called the C-Class Concept Coupe, it may preview the look of a brand-new Lada.

LadaLada C-Class Concept Coupe 2On the surface, the situation at AvtoVAZ, the dominant automobile producer in Russia, looks rosy — but major products are hopelessly outdated, new ones trickle in very slowly, and to complicate matters, the Russian government is slowly introducing new emission control rules both for the cars themselves and for the plants producing them.

Indirectly government controlled, AvtoVAZ hooked up with Magna late last year. Magna will help the Russian company develop a brand-new, up-to-date model for introduction in 2009. According to rumors, it will be produced using the latest technology, with assistance from Western supplier companies. The styling mock-up shown at Geneva is basically a starting point, a sort of demonstration to show potential partners where the company would like to go.

© Source: article on insideline
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