Cleanova System for Fiat Doblo Turns Little Car 100 Percent Electric
PARIS — Dassault-Heuliez of France has developed a system called Cleanova II that turned a Fiat Doblo into a 100 percent electric vehicle. The system combines an electric motor from the Quebec company TM4 with lithium-ion batteries. The Doblo with this system was displayed at the Geneva auto show earlier this month.The Cleanova II system has also been tested on the Renault Kangoo, notably by the French post office, and the company now plans to put it into production. Vehicles equipped with the Cleanova II system would cost somewhere around $10,000 extra, according to a report by the French electric-vehicle organization AVEM. Dassault-Heuliez says it projects production of about 1,000 electric-powered vehicles, which will be built by the Heuliez factory in Deux-Sèvres, France — 400 of which would be Doblos and 600 Kangoos. At least for the near future, however, the company plans only to sell them to businesses and municipalities.
© Source: article on insideline
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