Robocop Ride: T3 Motion Aims To Supplant Segway
BOSTON — Move over, Crown Vic. The hottest ride in law enforcement may be the all-new T3 Series, a Segway competitor that was unveiled over the weekend and is being tested at several locations, including the University of Southern California and the city of Avalon on Catalina Island. The T3 Series personal mobility vehicle is being marketed exclusively to law-enforcement agencies, but parent T3 Motion says it "continues to explore and develop other technologies designed for both public and private sectors."
The T3 Series is described as an "environmentally friendly" police vehicle that is powered by two rechargeable lightweight batteries. The batteries are plugged into a T3 charging unit on a standard electrical outlet. The company says the vehicle theoretically has an "unlimited range" because the lightweight batteries can be swapped out in the field. The batteries and charger range from $1,200-$1,800.
Equipment includes an integrated LED lighting system, sirens, a lockable glovebox and an optional GPS tracking system. The company says the vehicle is quick and agile, with "intuitive handling."
The T3 Motion made its national debut at the International Association of Chiefs of Police convention here on October 14.
© Source: original article on insideline