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Fast & Furious Skyline stolen from Hollywood garage

Fast & Furious Skyline stolen from Hollywood garage

It took two years to build it in reality, ten seconds of montage to put it together on screen, and about ten minutes to steal it. In a rare automotive example of life imitating art imitating life, the Nissan Skyline that Paul Walker drove in the latest Fast & Furious movie was stolen from its storage facility in Los Angeles.

Although dressed up to look like a full-on R34 GT-R for the movie, the car underneath was actually a lower-spec GT-S. Reports indicate that thieves, evidently knowing the car was inside, broke through a metal door and ripped off that specific car, leaving the rest but sideswiping a Studebaker and a Porsche Boxster on the way out. And to make matters worse, the car, valued at around $75,000, wasn't even insured. Considering the movie grossed $72.5 million in opening-weekend box office sales alone, we doubt the seventy-five grand will be terribly missed.

[Sources: Jalopnik and Inside Line]

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