Wooden Opel
I wouldn’t quite advice you to practice what this guy above has done to his Opel unless you are rich enough to posses a tree farm for otherwise the environmentalists would eat up on you. That would have taken quite a solid trunk in the making. Defying Critique, it does something which I never came across; an automotive piece-of-art which is mobile.Can’t just think of a reason to do so lest the fact we know how useless those Opel cars are. Probably, Robert Frost would have been the best man to say something more about it for the fact that the pictures reveal an invigorating background with the usage of ‘woods’ as he normally puts it. Was it the car that could made him change the famous lines ‘I’ve miles to go before I sleep’, for it could have helped him in treading those miles quicker.
© Source: bornrich
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