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Audi Winner Will Join the 62-Mile-High Club

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, U.K. — In one of the more outrageous automotive contests of the year, Audi says it will blast the winner of a new competition 62 miles up into suborbital space at speeds of more than 1,500 mph.

audi clubContestants must give the "most original and imaginative answer" to the question, "What is the best patented invention of all time — and why?" Audi suggests that some logical responses might be "the bra, the television, suntan lotion and even the Internet." The contest has been developed in conjunction with New Scientist magazine for the latest ad campaign for the Audi S6.
"Audi is already no stranger to pushing the boundaries of what is possible technologically and aesthetically, so it is fitting that when the Vorsprung durch Technik brand runs a competition it doesn't simply see the sky as the limit," said Jeremy Hicks, director of Audi U.K.

The winner will get a ride in the rocket-powered Xerus Suborbital Vehicle through Space Adventures, a space-tourism company.

The competition runs February 1-April 30, with the winner announced in the June issue of New Scientist. Contestants must log onto the contest Web site starting February 1.

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