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The Challis Heliplane 300 Mph Tilt Rotor - Video

Designed to hit speeds up to 300 mph, the Challis Heliplane is a concept aircraft that aims to be the world’s fastest rotorcraft.When produced, the Challis Heliplane will be capable of twice the cruising speed and almost twice the range of a conventional helicopter.

Like other heliplane designs, the Challis will be able to fly in a continuous stable hover and reach high cruising speeds. The simple design will reduce production and maintenance costs, making the Challis a relatively affordable way to book it through the skies.

Right now Challis has a completed design for a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) capable of hitting 280 mph and carrying a useful load of 250 lbs. Challis Heliplane, the company behind the concept, anticipates building models to accommodate the full spectrum of weight categories and uses, from military to civilian.

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